The Hot Potatoes play a wild mix of blues, swing and originals, with a touch of New Orleans for spice. Instrumentation consists of guitars, fiddle, harmonica, upright bass and drums. The Hot Potatoes can go from Chicago blues to a Cajun fiddle tune, from a field shout to a sophisticated swing tune in less time than it takes to say it. Beyond the high level of musicianship, the one constant in our performances is the constant sense of enjoyment - we love playing music and we have a lot of fun doing it! Our motto: "Cogito ergo spud" (I think therefore I yam) Hot Flash!! (no, not that kind...) The Hot Potatoes have just released a live studio recording that amazingly sounds just like us! For a sample and more info, follow me... Photograph by Ken Srail Hot Potatoes songlist: I Only
Have Eyes For You (Just kidding, here's the real list)